
Tuesday, March 16

 Spending 3 whole days at a hospital is a challenge. Thinking about the experience had actually made me feel lazy to type about this whole story. ok bye

Monday, February 10

Arguments Against Evolution 

And one more thing that they'd figured out is that they mapped out the human genome… whatever the f*** that means!It is like the ingredient for people? or something, something? and what they found out was that people are 96% chimpanzee! That's a lot of monkey!I mean It is something even worth arguing that If I gave you a sandwich which is 96% shit… and 4% ham, would you be willing to consider that ham sandwich?
 Those lines was taken from a Joe Rogan stand-up which is quite hilarious, right? Seems logical enough. I want to make it clear first and foremost, I am not against creationism. I even believe in it too. Sounds weird? Maybe. But still, I think it is still possible to think that way.

People argue and believe in something without grasping the whole idea and then straight up preach to thousands of people, misinforming them on a topic. The ego on some of these people are also quite unbelievable. Explaining on any subjects or topic that surely isn't our main field of study, how can someone talk without any caution or idk, some sort of humbleness, perhaps?

So recently I've watched this video on YouTube (weird recommendation, but I'll watch it anyways since it is quite an interesting topic to me)
Basically this video is Ustaz Auni 'debunking' the theory of evolution.

The arguments used in this video is that this theory is popularized in order to make Muslims question their believes and to make us deviate from Islamic teachings. This statement is excessively used in lot of things. "Western Christians have a ploy to make us Muslims weak" or "This is all their agenda to trick Muslims". Based on just our observation and logical thinking, is it likely that all these researches made by countless studies with various backgrounds and not to mention the consumption of  uncountable resources is all to supposedly "buat orang islam sesat". Seriously? The fight against this theory of evolution is more highly controversial in the West between the Church and Scientists back in the day. 

As the video continues, other arguments are said. One of it is the most used arguments that I also encounter in real-life is that if apes or monkeys evolved to become human, why are there still monkeys and apes around? Furthermore, if there are monkeys or apes that evolved, why monkeys and apes in present day does not evolve? In addition to this, he also questions the large differences between monkey and human such as the presence of such long tails which surprisingly not present in human at all. 

After hearing this kind of argument, as a student who studies biology really couldn't take him seriously and you should too (on this topic only). The arguments made shows how little Ustaz Auni knows about evolution. Sure, you can say that it is just a 'theory'. Well, guess what? It is a theory that is well-studied by thousands and for a theory, to be believed, there needs to be proof. Solid evidences. Logical explanations.

I’m totally not hating on anyone. It’s just that these explanations are just wrong. Totally irrelevant. Not to mention, this has also misguide lot of people.

Tuesday, September 26

I remember when I was still in Matriculation, as my mother drive pass by UPM, I felt kinda sad because I imagined all of us go to different pathway in each's life and I couldn't believe I will miss you guys. We see each other everyday for almost a year. And infinite memories were created.

I had been thinking about you guys lately,including you(any person who may thought that I didn't care for at all). Seeing you guys happy at where you are makes me feel happy too.

People always said that they want to trace back time to a certain time where they don't really appreciate or fully enjoy. I think I never thought of that until this few days. I want to go back to our Matriculation times. Maybe most of you guys think Matriculation is like a prison. But, don't you miss getting scolded by Madam Ivy for copying(usually). Yes sometimes, our classes are packed af and our homework are infinite. But if we compare the hard times and good times at matriculation, the good,happy times is worth the pain to get.

I just miss seeing you guys everyday. I miss doing stupid jokes to you guys and making you guys annoyed at me. I miss the look of Nusheen when she gets annoyed at me. I miss the time when we get scolded by Madam Tan and Hanis couldn't get the permission to go to the toilet. I missed my best friend Ilham too, a friend that I kinda wonder how did i get really close to him. How I missed playing Frisbee with you guys. How I miss hearing all of your laughter. Oh, how I missed eating with you guys. The list could go on and on till forever.

I just hope all 20 of us will finally be a person that we will be proud of. I hope and pray that you guys will be a successful person.

I don't care living in a prison like that as long as you guys are there as always.

Syafiq Hakimi a.k.a. syasya

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